At Legal Coaches Association, we understand

At Legal Coaches Association, we understand that many people are looking for an alternative to full service representation of a lawyer. Traditionally, lawyers will appear in court, draft documents, negotiate and manage the entire legal matter on behalf of the client. Often times, the cost of this service is unpredictable at best, and the process leaves many clients feeling that they have little control. In fact, statistics show that most middle-class people are simply no longer able to afford a lawyer to represent them on a significant legal matter, forcing many to represent themselves.

We believe that self-represented litigants who are managing their own legal matters are entitled to obtain support and direction in navigating the complex legal justice system, on a regular basis and for a pre-established price. Legal coaching is a relatively new innovation, one that combines the use of positive psychology with qualified legal support and expertise*. As legal professionals, our goal at the Legal Coaches Association is to ensure that legal coaches have met a minimum legal education requirement and have provided legal services in a particular area of law for at least three years. In addition, members who have taken the Certified Legal Coach training program will have learned skills to actively coach and support you as you manage your legal matters.


*Please note: the Legal Coaches Association (LCA) does not insure or regulate the services of Certified Legal Coaches.   The LCA does not provide or offer legal services or coaching to members of the public.   The legal coaches listed in our directory have completed our CLC Certified Legal Coach training, but operate independently of the LCA.   Please consult directly with the Certified Legal Coach to find out more about their legal education, their liability insurance and any other questions you may have about their business or their level of expertise; it is your responsibility to conduct due diligence to determine the coach has proper ability, knowledge and experience to coach you on your particular legal matter. The Legal Coaches Association accepts no liability or responsibility for the services provided by legal coaches.  For greater certainty, any disputes with a legal coach will be handled directly between you and the legal coach, and will be governed by any terms of engagement in place between you and the legal coach.  

Find a Certified Legal Coach

We are currently in the process of training new Certified Legal Coaches* – it is important to us that our members meet our stringent education and experience requirements. Stay tuned for more updates as training is ongoing as we prepare legal coaches to be certified and to provide quality legal services.



Bringing the voice of legal coaches together to
empower clients